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Religious Studies

Religious Studies

Curriculum, vision and aims.

It is our intention here at Wales to ensure that all students who study Religious Education fulfil their potential, acquire a great range of skills and knowledge and can show empathy and understanding towards others and their beliefs. Religious Education is important in so many areas of everyday life as we continuously make ethical and moral decisions. Students will use Religious Education well beyond their time at Secondary School whether this be in college, university, apprenticeships or employment and we aim to give them skills for life.

The RE curriculum encourages students to deepen their knowledge of religious beliefs and how this impacts the way they live their life. We aim to allow students to question not only their beliefs but the beliefs of others. The curriculum follows the Rotherham agreed syllabus and gives a balance between religion and morality.

The RE Department is a welcoming department and staff are always available to help support students. Staff are available at break and lunch time to offer guidance with work and advice about wider school life.

The department consists of a team of 5 fully qualified Religious Education teachers. We have an incredible amount of experience in our team. As well as teaching the regular Religious Education curriculum we have staff with specific specialities including the assistant SENCO for the school. This ensures we are a fully inclusive department that adapts our curriculum for SEND students.

It is vital that students enjoy and engage with the subject and we, as a department do our upmost to ensure this happens. We aim for every students to achieve their full potential and have a fantastic experience of RE at Wales.

Course Introduction Video

Subject Contacts for Support

In the first instance please contact your child’s class teacher using their school email address. The class teacher is in the best position to answer general questions as they will know your child better than anyone.

For more specific questions please contact the following staff by email:
Mrs S. Robers-Commons (Head Of Department)
[email protected]

We will endeavour to reply to any correspondence as soon as possible. If you would like to contact us by telephone please contact school on 01909 771291. They will inform us of your call and we will answer if available or arrange to phone you back.