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Curriculum, vision and aims.

Progress within humanity is driven by curiosity, and this principle is at the forefront of our Geography curriculum here at Wales High School. Our geographers ask questions about the natural and human world surrounding them and our aim is for all pupils to have completed their Geography journey having satisfied their curiosity about how the world works and for them to have further questions which they can investigate throughout their life. We ask pupils to be global citizens, who are also conscientious about their community. We strive for our pupils to be culturally literate, whilst retaining their own identity and spark of uniqueness, for others to emulate and follow. We aim for pupils to consider the impact they have on the world around them through themes of sustainability, globalisation and development. We want pupils to be able to confidently explain the world around them and to think critically about the context they find themselves in as they progress into adulthood.

Our curriculum explores how human society works, how the world is connected and how the challenges facing our species can be overcome. It will also explore physical processes and landscapes and how we as human beings interact with the environment around us. As pupils progress through the curriculum, they will build upon previously learned knowledge, and be able to understand concepts and processes with an increasing degree of complexity.

Geography is inherently multi-disciplinary as a subject. All pupils who study Geography will develop skills necessary to excel in further education and the workplace. Throughout each Key Stage, pupils will develop cartographic, statistical, graphical and literacy skills. Students use these skills to enhance their knowledge of both human and physical topics. Pupils will learn how to make connections between these disparate skills, enhancing and applying their learning from other curriculum areas, such as Science, Maths, History and English.

Our department consists of 8 committed and driven teachers who have a diverse range of specialisms. We mix youth and experience well to form a well-rounded and unified team of experts.

Course Introduction Video

Subject Contacts for Support

In the first instance please contact your child’s class teacher using their school email address. The class teacher is in the best position to answer general questions as they will know your child better than anyone.

For more specific questions please contact the following staff by email:
Mr D Lawrance (Head Of Department)
[email protected]

We will endeavour to reply to any correspondence as soon as possible. If you would like to contact us by telephone please contact school on 01909 771291. They will inform us of your call and we will answer if available or arrange to phone you back.