Students must pick three subjects (Further Maths, Core Maths and Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) can be taken as a 4th) with five hours allocated per subject, equating to fifteen hours of timetabled study per week.
Unlike lower school, students have a mix of taught lessons and study periods where they are expected to study autonomously. During these study periods students have access to their own dedicated common room and study facilities, allowing for a comfortable and calm space to work in.
The school day starts at 08:30 am every morning and each student is expected to start on time wearing the appropriate business dress, to create a professional environment to work in. Click here to see our Sixth Form blocking system and timings for the week.
We offer a holistic approach, which involves a full program of personal development, careers guidance, specialised support for UCAS and Apprenticeships, Tutor Groups and, regular wellbeing checks.
Towards the end of Year 12, all students are allocated a Progression Advisor, to support with either UCAS or Apprenticeship applications. At Wales High School Sixth Form, we treat UCAS and Apprenticeships with equal stature with a wide range of guest speakers from universities, past students at university and those completing apprenticeships.