Statement from the Chair of Governors
Statement from the Chair of Governors
I met with Mr Di’lasio on Friday, and he shared some news with me regarding his work with the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL).
Mr Di’lasio recently served as President of ASCL which coincided with an increase in both media attention and political connectivity at a national level for the school. Ultimately, I believe that this will have played a significant role in the decision that Wales was identified and selected to be part of the school rebuilding programme.
Mr Di’lasio has now been nominated as the preferred candidate to be the next General Secretary of ASCL. This nomination is due to be announced to the public by ASCL today (Tuesday, 18th July).
In being nominated Mr Di’Iasio will go forward in September to potentially become the new General Secretary in the summer of 2024. This would mean that he would need to step down from being Headteacher at Wales High School and for us to begin a recruitment process to agree on who would become our new Headteacher.
We also need to be aware that, although rare, it is also possible that, in accordance with Trade Union law, an alternative candidate might step forward to successfully stand and be elected against Mr Di’lasio. In this case, he would clearly remain as Headteacher.
The clear message from me and the School at this time is business as usual in that Mr Di’lasio remains our Headteacher and will likely do so until at least Summer 2024.
I will keep all our valued stakeholders and community updated over the coming months as this moves forward.
Thank you for your continued support,
Cllr. Dominic Beck
Chair of Governors at Wales High School