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Presentation Evening Shines Bright with Special Celebrity Appearance

Wales High School’s Presentation Evening took place in the John Day Sports Hall on Thursday 12 December.

The Hall was packed with over 500 people, including distinguished guests, Governors, staff, students and their families. Current and past students gathered to celebrate their examination successes in both Key Stage 4 and 5 courses as well as an array of other awards.

Departments awarded prizes for their top performers; students showing the most resilience; most improved and the most dedicated learners on their courses. Key Stage 3 prizes included Certificates of Excellence and Certificates of Endeavour, these were awarded to students who were in Years 7, 8 and 9 in the summer of 2024. There were over 60 awards for Departments and sponsored special awards for Courage; Friendship; Meritorious work; Charity Work and Contribution to the School, to name but a few.

The evening was a fantastic celebration of talent and achievement including a special guest speaker appearance by Wales High School Alumni, Rebecca Taylor, AKA “Self Esteem”.

Rebecca attended Wales High School from 1998 – 2005, where she studied A Level Music, Media, Theatre and English.

After leaving Wales High School, Rebecca went on to become one of the UK’s most exciting breakout stars of the past decade, AKA “Self Esteem”and emerged from cult favourite status to mainstream hero following the huge success of her empowering, truth-telling 2021 single ‘I Do This All The Time’.

Rebecca delivered a heartfelt inspirational speech to all students and staff and also presented the Student of Year Award to Niamh Burford.

Headteacher, Miss Lisa McCall said: “Rebecca Taylor highlighted to us all the special journey she has had from the ‘Wales Way’ to her successful path and for making a memorable event for all of the Wales High School students and staff involved”.