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If you are interested in the world around you, you are interested in politics, even if you don’t know it. The best way to engage with and improve a system is to understand it, and this could be your starting point.  You will study British and Global politics, as well as some of the key ideas that are used to help us understand the world we live in, and what we could create for the future.

You will need to be able to express your own ideas and support them in written answers. The course will also help you develop an independence of thought, based on rigorous research and understanding. Politics is highly regarded throughout higher educational institutions and universities, with the skills developed also seen as very valuable by employers.

Politics A-Level demonstrates independence, the ability to explain and think for yourself. These skills are valued on nearly every non-medical course there is!

Pupils visit London, the Houses of Parliament, benefit from visiting speakers and other trips are in the works.

This course is so much more than Parliament. We do cover that, but also major issues affecting the whole world, and your future.

5 GCSEs at 9 – 5 including English and Maths.

UK Politics

  • What is democracy and to what extent is the UK democratic?
  • Why do people vote the way they do?
  • The media and its impact on UK politics.
  • What do the political parties in the UK stand for and do they matter anymore?
  • Core ideologies. The ideas and beliefs of Conservatism, Socialism and Liberalism

UK Government

  • How does UK government work, including:
  • Parliament
  • The constitution
  • The Executive
  • Judiciary
  • The impact of the EU
  • The study of a “none core” political ideology – ecologism.

Global Politics

  • What is globalisation and how does it affect states as well as individuals?
  • Power, globally who holds it and why?
  • How and why do countries form blocs?
  • Why does conflict happen and are we dealing with it well?
  • What is the world doing about climate change? Is it enough and why?
  • What are human rights, are they protected globally?
  • Why are some people poor, what are we doing about it and is it working?
  • How do realist and liberal theories help us understand global politics?
  • Ideologies: ecologism

For further information, please contact - Mr Bull / [email protected]