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16 – 19 Study Programme

16 - 19 Study Programme

At Wales High School we offer a comprehensive package of support alongside the delivery of high quality qualifications.  All of our Sixth-Form students, both internal and external are interviewed prior to application and post GCSE results to ensure that each study programme is tailored towards their prior attainment and career aspirations.  Students who do not hold a GCSE Grade 4 in Maths and/or English are required to continue these subjects as part of their study programme.  Students are provided with lessons on their timetables to study and re-take these subjects.  All study programmes within the sixth offer a variety of additional non-qualification activities that complement and enhance their time here at Wales High Sixth Form.  These include:

  • Personalised support through a tutor system that allows students to form positive relationships with  peers and their tutor; allowing them to access pastoral support on a daily basis.
  • Work Placement that is relevant to students’ chosen career path – this is actively encouraged throughout student life in Sixth Form.  We actively encourage students to pursue any opportunities that appear within chosen professions to able them to gain the experience needed to confidently progress to the next stage.
  • Life Skills is a personal development package that is led by students.  This is delivered during tutor time and students have the opportunity to discuss candidly life challenges that they face as a Sixth Former.  This delivery is a collaborative approach, where we use student voice to shape the curriculum allowing students to get access to content that is relevant and needed at this stage in their life.
  • Project ME is all about YOU.  This is where as a school we offer over 40 different opportunities for students to enhance their Sixth-Form experience: volunteering, become a reading mentor, e-mentor, subject ambassador, SEND ambassador, supporting external events, visits to universities, primary school visits…
  • RAG (Raise And Give) – all students in Sixth-Form are involved in a challenge that allows them to ‘gel’ as a tutor group, whilst looking at ways in which they can raise money for their chosen charities.  This initiative is a key part of Year 12 and allows students to gain confidence and develop their softer skills needed in a working environment.
  • All students are offered an independent careers interview within the Sixth Form. This is unbiased, professional support to ensure the next steps are right for them.
  • SLDs (Super Learning Days), are focussed around UCAS and Apprenticeships.  These are treated with equitable status and support for both is comprehensive, robust and informative, allowing students to apply successfully.
  • Wellbeing is of utmost importance in the Sixth Form.  We recruit Mental Health Ambassadors that support all aspects of mental health within the school, we have on on-site Counsellor, regular access to the Sixth-Form team, and daily tutor support.  We offer wellbeing activities to support ongoing mental health to ensure support is continually offered throughout students’ Sixth-Form journey.
  • Industry Links are a key part of the Sixth-Form, we develop links with local industry to offer support to students in terms of CV writing, recruitment and relevant work placements.
  • Professional Interview Evening gives students the opportunity to meet an expert in their chosen profession.  This opportunity allows student CVs to be critiqued, have real interview experience and ask questions to ensure they have made the correct choices.


Our study programmes, including non-qualification activities allow students to access a wide range of skills to develop their independence, confidence, interpersonal skills and allowing them to progress confidently on to higher education or employment.