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Physical Education


A-Level Physical Education is a two year linear course.  This A-Level takes a contemporary view of PE and sport, focusing on its dynamic development at a local, national and international level.  The course includes theoretical and practical aspects of the course which aim to develop an insight and understanding of movement; performance and behaviour in relation to play, sport, physical education, recreation and to develop the knowledge and skill to enable students to reach a high standard of performance.  Students wishing to take A-Level PE must be able to perform in one sport to a good standard.

A-Level PE is a recognised entry qualification to Higher Education and of particular value to those wishing to pursue a career in areas such as sport science, sport studies, sports coaching & development, sports technology, sports therapy, sports psychology, teaching, leisure management and the armed forces. A-Level PE is also valuable for medically related courses such as nursing and physiotherapy.

The teaching staff give students the opportunity to attend an annual revision conference in Sheffield which is organised and delivered by experienced examiners. The course does offer the students the opportunity to be assessed as a performer in a chosen sport. Students are therefore encouraged to participate in the different activities the department offers to compliment this course. Additional support sessions are offered by staff throughout the year to help students. Wales will have a sixth form football team that will play in the Sheffield league, playing and training throughout the week. This is an ideal opportunity to undertake a personalised education pathway that suits your specific needs and combine it with a football focus.  There will also be various leadership and officiating opportunities that will enhance your sporting experiences and skill set.

5 GCSEs 9 – 5 including English, Mathematics and Science.  GCSE background in Sports Studies is preferable. Students wishing to take A-Level PE must be able to perform in one sport regularly to a good standard.

Paper 1:
2 hour written exam (35%)
• Applied Anatomy and Physiology
• Skill Acquisition
• Sport and Society

Paper 2
2 hour written exam (35%)
• Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics Movement
• Sport Psychology
• Sport and Society and Technology in Sport

None Examined Assessment:
Practical performance (15%)
Evaluation and analysis of practical performance (15%)

The Examination Board for this course is AQA.

For further information, please contact - Mrs V Lyne / [email protected] or Mr M Hacking / [email protected]