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Product Design

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This A-Level is offered at AS and A2.  Product Design at A-Level is designed to encourage students to develop a broad view of technology and design, to develop their capacity to design and make products and to appreciate the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture, the environment, social and cultural aspects and marketing.  

 This creative and thought-provoking course gives students the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers. Especially those in the creative industries. 

 You will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design and technology, whilst enjoying opportunities to put learning in to practice by producing products of your choice. 

 You will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a designer, alongside the knowledge and skills sought by higher education and employers.   

Students interested in careers in Architecture, Surveying, Journalism, Civil Engineering, Design Consultancy, Product Testing, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Forensics, Sciences, Astronomy and Sport, Interior Design, Structural Engineering, Product Design, Design Engineer, Testing Engineer, Police Force, Product Buying & Merchandising or Teaching may find it helpful to study Product Design. 

Ex-students, now design graduates and visiting designers come into lessons to help develop project work. Individually tailored learning journey for each student allowing them to realise their strengths and reach their full potential.  

 Students’ final product will be put on exhibition at the front of school to be admired by their peers and by visitors. Parents/students will have an e-mail link to the teacher so that they can ask questions or submit work out of class. 


The Examination Board for this course is AQA.

Students will need an aptitude for sketching plus a knowledge of computers would be useful. Students must also have the ability to work independently and be able to use their own initiative particularly in the research part of the subject when they will be gathering research data for their ‘real life’ major projects. 

5 GCSEs 9 – 5 including English 6 and Mathematics 5.
KS4 Design and Technology, Art and/or Engineering qualifications at 5+ or L2+ would be a distinct advantage but all capable students will be considered and an enthusiasm and aptitude for the subject is essential. 

You will work through the course content and prepare for the examination through a variety of design and make assignments.  You will be expected to work through the design process and understand social, moral and cultural influences.  This year will give you an understanding of materials, processes and techniques within design and industry. 

During the second year of the course students will respond to a broad context set by the exam board in a single design and make project.  Throughout this process you will investigate the context, research ideas and develop them through design.  You will then have the opportunity to realise your designs through modelling and ultimately manufacture a fully functioning prototype which can be tested, evaluated and developed.  This non examined assessment is worth 50% of the overall qualification. 

For further information, please contact:   Miss A Hurst / [email protected] or Mrs D Swain / [email protected]