My name is Lily and I have just started a four-year MMath Mathematics degree at Cardiff University.
Studying Maths and Further maths at Wales prepared me excellently for my course as it means a lot of the content is already familiar. This familiarity, with the subject, from Further maths especially, has definitely been helpful as it has made the transition from A-LEvel to degree level a bit smoother. Mathematics at university is quite different to A-Levels as there is a larger emphasis on understanding and proving results you may have just accepted in high school, however with a passion for the subject, this just makes me more curious and motivates me to ask why concepts work. I now appreciate that maths is more than just being able to answer questions from a textbook! University life for me in Cardiff has been great because there’s so much to do right on my doorstep: great places to eat, a wide range of ships and plenty of opportunities for fun days out. During my degree, I’m hoping to undertake a year in industry or work experience over a summer. The careers advice and support at Cardiff already seems amazing, with top employers purposely seeking the university’s Maths graduates.