Our Mission Statement
All students are encouraged to achieve their full potential and high standards are maintained throughout the school. The school has a successful academic record and is concerned for the personal development of all students.
Create a stimulating and challenging learning environment, with high quality teaching, in an atmosphere of tolerance, free from prejudice.
Develop the moral and social awareness in order that we can become responsible
members of society, possessing an understanding of the world we live in.
Ensure everyone recognises that there is order and a sense of purpose in our school, through maintaining and promoting a caring ethos based on mutual respect between all members of the school community.
Broaden students’ horizons by having a diverse range of opportunities and provide support systems leading into higher education, further education, training or employment as appropriate to the individual.
Demand the highest standards of work and behaviour and continually seek to learn and improve in all that we do both in and beyond the classroom.
Maximise the use of available resources, making the investment in the professional development of staff a priority whilst ensuring that books and equipment are in sufficient supply and our physical environment is maintained to a high standard.
Prioritise the wellbeing of both our students and staff. We will continue to provide a safe place and support system for all our students.